I recently made a post discussing my move to Linux on Fedora, and it’s been going great. But today I think I have now become truly part of this community. I ran a command that borked my bootloader and had to do a fresh install. Learned my lesson with modifying the bootloader without first doing thorough investigation lol.
Fortunately I kept my /home on its own partition, so this shouldn’t be too bad to get back up and running as desired.
Friendo, I think once you understand exactly what an OS is, you’ll have fewer problems. An OS is just a layer on top of hardware with a lot of scripts and tools that enable that hardware to do things like move files, show graphics, and send audio in a desktop environment. Never issue a root or sudo command unless you understand exactly what it’s doing. Following this one simple rule will save you a lot of trouble, same as any Windows machine.
This is reasonably valid. I think Windows makes it a bit harder to do real damage to your system, so I’m used to that. I also have borked installs in VMs before, but that’s never mattered because spinning up a new one takes no time. Definitely a valuable lesson to do more research before running commands, especially as sudo
Also, once your install is in a state you like, create a backup with CloneZilla.
Nah. This is old school thought. Use an immutable distro if this is your concern, and keep all your files on a NAS, or something else that can replay your files. Local images of your entire filesystem isn’t needed anymore.
Neither an immutable distro nor a NAS is a replacement for backups.
Some people are lucky enough to never learn that backups are vital. Good luck to you in the future!
They are two different things.
A Clone of an OS install is not needed anymore, for a jillion reasons.
Personal files do not relate to that.
Perhaps you don’t understand how these are intended to work?
If my SSD decides to suddenly quit, I can get back all my personal files and configs, plus all the software I had installed with all configurations, configured repositories, user rights and group memberships, GUI customizations, system-wide fonts, .desktop-files, root .bashrc, self-compiled software, etc. etc. by popping in a new SSD and
ing my full disk image backup to it with one terminal command.I fail to see how that is not a nice thing to have even today, or how I would get back to the previous state just as fast without it.
Heyha ! Read about dd on makeuseof after reading your post, to see how it works.
Restoring from an image seems exactly what I was looking for as a full backup restore.
However this kind of 1 command backup isn’t going to work on databases (mariadb, mysql…). How should I procede with my home directory where all my containers live and most of them having running databases?
Does it work with logical volumes? Is it possible to copy evrything except /home of the logical volumes?
For special use cases like that, dd isn’t the right tool.
Okay, thank you :)) too bad it looked liked a simple and elegant way…