What kindle? I’d guess the one that doesn’t require a soldering iron to build…
I would love to have an alternative for kindle, but this is not it; not yet at least
I currently use Onyx Poke 5, which use Android so I can just side load application that I need
Poke 3 here, I prefer to install from play store
Yeah, maybe bottom shelf kindle.
I’ve had an Oasis for a few years and it shits all over competition at the time I got it.
I just upload my own books to it.
Still this is a neat option for tinkerers.
I have a second hand Kobo that works fine without an account or an internet connection. I just load up .mobi files I get from Anna’s or Z-lib.
I’m waiting for the PineNote to be out of the development edition so I can get one. I do have an older kindle that I jailbroke a while ago and disabled OTA on. It still sucks, but it is better with KOreader.
Bringing things out of “early access for developers and enthusiasts only” isn’t something Pine64 does. They’ve got a laptop, phone, watch, tablet, ereader, and probably shit I’ve missed, none are ready for prime time and never will be.
Hey, it is free to wish/dream. lol
reMarkable is also a good device, very light and you can enable SSH/root access with a simple toggle on settings. There are also entire repositories of software for it https://toltec-dev.org/ https://github.com/Evidlo/remarkable_entware
Oooo I’ll keep an eye on that one!
Upgraded my Kobo Clara HD internal storage from 8GB to 128GB, so that I can put mangas on it, and installed koreader. Dirt cheap and very enjoyable.