Pretty weak form of identification. Would be much more certain if the body had something Prigozhin is known to have rather than the body lacking something Prigozhin is known to lack.
Still, I think we all kinda knew he was dead the moment he was like “Actually instead of instigating a civil war in Russia I’m going to take this very generous deal they offered me where my treachery sees almost no repercussions whatsoever.”
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That’s funny, I can still see him moving around the Marader’s map. Must be a mistake.
The map does not make any mistake!
You want a finger? I can get you a finger. It’s not his, Dude.
Hell, I can get you a finger by 2pm. You don’t want to know from where…
I’ll get you one in 5 minutes, might be a little bit wet still tho, but it’s the freshest finger this side of Moscow.
Everyone should be aware that the final say is provided by Putin. And is a foregone conclusion - for purely tactical and propaganda reasons, the official version will be that Prigozhin is dead. And nobody will contest that - least of all Prigozhin himself.
I guess we are not going to know for sure for a long time.