I also use it for YouTube videos of things that I don’t want Google making recommendations on. For example, if trying to fix something and need to watch a video, I don’t want to have home improvement videos in my feed for the next 6 months.
Using it to watch YouTube without logging in currently gets around that whole we don’t allow ad blockers thing.
Shed your shame of pornography, unless that’s your kink.
Almost everybody bates, and those who don’t for reasons of indignation, I’m not hating on the genuine asexuals or people with health issues that inhibit self-pleasure, are usually the pent up, “only one right way to live” A types I don’t enjoy the company of or have any respect for anyway.
It’s been how many generations? The puritans that came here to escape living among cool Europeans to self flagellate are beyond dust. Prudes suck. Make lust not greed.
I’ve heard it’s like chocolate: enjoy in moderation
I only fuck three chocolate bars per day. Is that okay?
You WERE asking how much chocolate we usually fuck, right?
Does dipping my balls in chocolate milk count?
I always thought it would be a fun idea to name a bar “Moderation,” with a tagline of “Drink all you want when you’re in here!”
I just don’t want it cluttering up my search suggestions
Obligatory “I can’t unsee wolverine as 2 batmen kissing”. Seriously, every time.
‘good morning text to brighten her day’ cos im a. bad texter and bad at words :)
You should ask yourself the following question: If I dare to open it outside of the Tor Browser, is it even worth my time?
All of the medical symptoms. Am I dying? Do I have lupus? Only my incognito friend will know.
Just use it constantly. I prefer my targeted ads to be baseless shots in the dark.
I ask ChatGPT all my stupid questions
gonna get false answers
sometimes yea, but most of the time no.
I’ve been doing that too. Especially when I don’t even know enough to form a googleable query.
“Who was that guy in that movie where that one scene happened?”
“is cum a laxative?”
¿Por qué no los dos?