The mother of a transgender girl sobbed in federal court Wednesday as she contemplated having to move away from her Navy officer husband to get health care for her 12-year-old if Florida’s ban on gender dysphoria treatments for minors is allowed to take affect.
The woman, who testified as Jane Doe to protect the identity of her child, said her daughter went from being anxious and upset to a thriving, happy straight-A student after being allowed to live as a girl about eight years ago, a decision she made with her husband after multiple visits to their family’s doctor.
But as the girl approaches puberty, she fears she will start turning into a boy. Without treatment, she and her family will be devasted, the mother said.
The cruelty is the point. The evidence is clear. Transitioning saves lives, including in teen years. They waited to try to ban it until after the psychiatric community had come to a general agreement.
On a personal note, I’ve known teenagers who killed themselves or attempted over delays in transitioning until adulthood. It’s really fucked up.
The cruelty is the point. The evidence is clear.
I actually disagree that the cruelty is intentional. I think conservatives have proven pretty clearly at this point that they devote a considerable amount of mental effort to believing their views are correct, no matter what the data show. I think they genuinely think transsexuality is a farce, just like they believe homosexuality is a mental illness, and that they’re protecting children from bad influences by preventing them from transitioning. The problem is willful ignorance and lack of appreciation for critical thinking.
You’re half right.
They genuinely believe trans identity is a farce, but also, the cruelty is the point. They believe that children are being indoctrinated by Big Groomer, but they also believe those children are freaks and deserve to suffer because they’ve been tainted by transgenderism. They see us as diseased and anyone infected as filth that must be purged in order to protect the rest of the flock.
I think we’ve cracked the case.
There are likely very few conservatives who disagree with trans rights but don’t want trans people to suffer. So few in fact they’re probably not even worth mentioning.
Yep. The suffering will make people turn to God, and they’ll accept Jesus into their heart and ask him to make them cis hetero, and also bring them a unicorn for Christmas.
The cruelty is the point. We can not let this become nationwide.
Fuck Desantis
Someone please deal with Ron Desantis. He is a threat
He won’t survive reelection down here. Remember, Florida was purple not long ago. We voted Obama twice.
He slam dunked Charlie Crist last time, but Crist was a lapsed Republican turned Democrat. Not a popular move among either set of voters.
Desantis failed his Presidential run, and one thing Americans hate is a losing politician. He’s made a fool of himself again and again, attacked our largest employer, has zero charisma, all that and more.
We might well get another Republican, but it won’t be Desantis.
Glad they say trans healthcare instead of just healthcare.
That way we know what they’re talking about immediately.
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So you think government should interfere with parents rights?