Hey guys, I’m new to self-hosting; I’m trying to set up cloud storage to store pics and other content. However, I’m unsure whether to use my old computer, Buy NAS or ResberryPie to set up a home server.
Also, what is the best privacy-friendly OS to use with the home server?
Lastly, do’s and don’ts.
Any help would be appreciated (:
A cheap used PC with a Ryzen 9 or something? Ez to maintain, very power efficient, especially when idling (compared to servers, not Pi), and you get to choose the important bits (like what new enterprise level disk you gonna buy, etc) as its easier to upgrade.
And you get a lot faster CPU than duo Xenon builds in the same price range (used ofc). What you don’t get is ECC & more RAM lanes.
Also much easier to make it inaudible (or like 18~19dB?) compared to servers.
I do use a Pi-based Proxmox Backup server.