With exception of the Mister, all consoles have either been modded or repaired. Bonus, everything is automated through Home Assistant so it will turn on the TV, switch inputs, and turn on the console, all via voiced controlled.
Three gamecubes? Damn, man.
Broken game cubes are cheap and an easy fun repair. Only the Pokemon themed one is connected.
Really hope you’re not running the Xbox sideways like that. They’re not designed to do that and it can cause severe damage. Any tiny little bump or shake of that dresser can end its life forever if it isn’t modded to be always unlocked. Even then, it will take time to repair the disc drive or HDD.
I don’t use discs, I run off an SSD. That one has a stellar and XboxHD mod. Also that shelf isn’t going anywhere. It’s solid wood with a slate top, it takes two people to lift it just enough to get furniture sliders under it and the stand is very stable.
Edit: it also has the ram upgrade and an externally powered relay to control the power switch.
Even still, most of the people that see this image are not using mods that you are, probably have a default Xbox with the clock cap still (only okay for a 1.6), and will only look and this and say: “Hey, I didn’t know I could put the Xbox sideways like that, I can save some space,” and before you know it this picture has indirectly contributed to the shrinking number of functional Xbox consoles.
I get where you’re coming from and thats why I up voted the comment but I’m not too concerned about that. I printed the stand myself but the listing for it even gives a warning https://stoneagegamer.com/vertical-stand-for-xbox-retro-frog.html .
Ah yes, The Nintendo GameDiamond
that is such a sick way to display gamecubes
Yeah I’m very happy with the stands https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4735302
where did you get the zelda themed one? Is that custom or was it like a twilight princess cube?
This was custom. I did the painting and wiring the LEDs, the jewel came from RockerGaming and I themed everything around it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/658194838/legend-of-zelda-master-sword-custom
holy moly, that is so badass! My gamecube was my whole world as a kid, I wish I still had it. Im glad that they are well appreciated and properly displayed by some people
Nows not a bad time to consider picking one back up if you can find one cheap enough. There’s a new ode in development that will be cheaper than the gcloader and requires no soldering. You can get one that no longer reads discs, through that in there and read games off an SD card (or just emulate, nothing wrong with that) https://docs.flippydrive.com/
Please let your consoles breathe.
The shelves are deep and the door is open when on, no heat issues even with the PS5.
All of that is sick as hell, and as a fellow home assistant user I respect all the work you must have put into the automation.
For the GameCubes tilted on display, do you run them like that? I feel like it would increase the risk of damage to the discs.
Thanks! Many hours and esphome devices have made this my ultimate setup. The ones on the stands are just on display but they do work (both of those are picoboot, the Zelda doesn’t actually have a disc drive since it was rusted beyond saving). You are probably right it would risk damaging the disc. It would also be very unstable with wired controllers so you would have to use either wavebirds or BlueRetro for wireless.
If I may ask, how did you do the automations with Home assistant?
I also use node red for a lot. I have a LG c7 TV which has integrations in home assistant for switching inputs and kinda supports wake-on-lan, but I built up an IR transmitter with an esp32 to trigger the power more reliability. I built more ir transmitters for my HDMI switches and the retrotink to change profiles. I have zwave smart switches on all the consoles except for the switch and PS5 since those come on with the controllers. The PS2 and Xbox have additional mods so after they get power they get a simulated power button press. I have the Google assistant integration configured so I can turn on individual devices via voice commands.
I love that green GameCube! I can’t zoom in well enough to 100% tell, is that a triforce and master sword?
That’s beautiful! Zelda is one of my all time favorite game series, just had to compliment that one!
Thanks. It’s one of my favorite ones I’ve done. You might also appreciate the colors it defaults to https://i.imgur.com/TlI16CZ.jpg
My first thought was Four Swords but the order should be Green, Red, Blue and Purple.
You are correct, I just thought this order looks nicer to have more contrast between the purple and blue. It’s all software control so it can be anything.
Fair enough, it’s not like it wasn’t immediately apparent anyways, so in that sense the order doesn’t matter.
Is it painted or is the shell custom as well?
The shell is painted (used to be a very faded purple) and the jewel is from Rocker Gaming on Etsy.
What’s the N64 wireless controller and do you really like it? I might play mine more if I didn’t have wires for kids to ensnare themselves.
I use the 8bitdo kit paired with a BlueRetro adapter. I’d skip the hall effect joystick unless yours is in bad shape, it’s better than generic Amazon replacements but not as good as OEM.
That’s awesome! I have 3 N64 controllers in great shape. Not sure I’m looking to invest $70 into an N64 controller, but it does sound amazing. I’m going to save your comment in case I change my mind.
You can save a little money getting the adapter on alliexpress and the kit is $30 which puts the cost at a much more reasonable $47 per controller. The adapter also works with the NSO controller if they ever stay in stock.
I appreciate how concise it is but am worried about airflow
There’s a foot of space behind all the consoles and the door is always open when in use, no issues with heat