Looking for an elegant, highly configurable Linux desktop distribution? Consider my new go-to, which ships with a beautiful and user-friendly Budgie environment.
Oh, a distro based off another distro with a theme and the usual codecs slapped on, main goal is “just works”. How original.
And a “reviewer” writing 1000 words about how they installed it in a VM and changed some appearance settings, concluding with “This is the best OS ever”.
Free software doesn’t follow the market principle where competition is good.
Competition leads to doubling of effort and divides manpower. FOSS thrives on cooperation. I’d rather someone with the knowledge and resources to package a derivative distro would help out with the parent distro instead.
Oh, a distro based off another distro with a theme and the usual codecs slapped on, main goal is “just works”. How original.
And a “reviewer” writing 1000 words about how they installed it in a VM and changed some appearance settings, concluding with “This is the best OS ever”.
I mean, it looks okay and I’m glad to see competition, but yeah… Snoozer of an article with very little that makes me want to format and give it a go.
Free software doesn’t follow the market principle where competition is good.
Competition leads to doubling of effort and divides manpower. FOSS thrives on cooperation. I’d rather someone with the knowledge and resources to package a derivative distro would help out with the parent distro instead.