My current fave is Ted Lasso
I’m unsure if I’d say ‘focus on’, but I feel The Good Place is a good fit. Honestly funny scenes, but still hits on some heavier points. The cast is lovable, often relatable, and who can say no to Dancin’ Ted Danson‽
I’m being totally honest when I say, This Old House. It’s always positive, inclusive, thoughtful. I’ve learned so much from so many different trades. They restore neglected structures and highlight local businesses and people. They underscore the importance of history and community. That encourage the underserved and downtrodden to use their hands and minds for positive community building.
There are 45 seasons and it’s still going. I’ve tried to put it on just to have in the background and always end up riveted and engrossed. I cannot recommend it enough
I really like this answer. A show doesn’t have to explicitly focus on mental health to be a show that promotes mental wellness.
You ever heard the song “If these walls could speak”? I feel so much tenderness towards the entire conceit
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I relate a lot to the characters The Bear actor plays, particularly involving the intersection of poverty and alcohol
That Christmas episode is a work of art. Such a great show generally, but that one… fucking hell, absolutely blisteringly brilliant.
House MD.
The episode where Wilson doses House with an antidepressant to prove to him that he’s depressed was so on point.
Yeah the real core of the show is a man with a ton of mental health issues doing everything he can to not accept them. Those moments where the mental pain breaks through are really what makes me love the character.
Its was hilarious when House counter-dosed 'em with Adderall (“only the finest amphetamine salts” XD) and Wilson demands a Vicodin to smooth things out 😂
Unironically Bojack Horseman
Do you find it legitimately improves you to watch? Like is there another side to come out of where you feel you’re a better person and adjusted for having experienced it?
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Rick and Morty
No other show makes family flaws so blatantly obvious. I’m not sure if that will help you resolve any family issues, but you’ll be better equipped to at least identify the land mines.
Queer Eye. The reboot is focused on self acceptance and self betterment, on getting through difficult times and past challenges in healthy ways, and the importance of developing and being grateful for your support system to help you through your journey.
Interesting pick. Will have to check out all of these when I get through Ted
Beef. Starts out as a feud between two drivers. Delves into each of their lives and how dealing with your issues in an unhealthy way will spiral and affect others. Fantastic show.
It blows my mind we treat road rage point blank as “less serious” than impaired driving. It should be equally or more strenuously punished, nobody has the right to be an asshole behind the wheel. Not one. Anger and violence are so predictable and addressable its madness.
Not that you were talking about driving but I’m just making the tangent with a major commonplace example of the way this plays out every time.
Whoa buddy, you good to drive? XD
Nope 😎 Won’t happen again, Officer.
[Officer] Ya damn right it won’t cuz ur coming with me now! 🚔
Thankfully I only have a 2 mile commute through a small town so I don’t deal with road rage. I could never live in a city.
But yeah, it’s really just that people are strung out and road rage is just a symptom. Either way, it’s dangerous for the driver and others.
Like I’m not saying its intentional but its equally indefensible and unacceptable. We should be teaching people that anger is impairing and they MUST pull over and take a walk or do what they need to do. It needs to be absolutely liabillity or something where intent is irrelevant
Schitt’s Creek!!
Best before bed too!