Weren’t they planning on herding everyone to the roof and blowing it up?
The plan was to do that to cover their getaway. Herd the hostages up to the roof, nominally to stop snipers while they got in a helicopter. Then flow it all up. By the time they sorted the body parts and realized they weren’t there, they would be gone and safe by a different route.
This is also why getting the detonators back was so important. Without them, they couldn’t blow the roof.
Me too, because after I posted that, I also remembered his monologue about how if you steal $100M in bearer bonds they will find you unless they think you are dead.
So yeah, I don’t remember if it was discussed but I think McClane just sped up the timetable for getting the authorities involved. They definitely tried to keep it quiet at first though.
But also, Mr Takagi was murdered before John had done anything, IIRC.
I had someone ruin this for me so now it’s time to share the love.
If John Mclane had stayed in his lane and left the situation to play out nobody would have died and a corporation would have been robbed.
Weren’t they planning on herding everyone to the roof and blowing it up?
The plan was to do that to cover their getaway. Herd the hostages up to the roof, nominally to stop snipers while they got in a helicopter. Then flow it all up. By the time they sorted the body parts and realized they weren’t there, they would be gone and safe by a different route.
This is also why getting the detonators back was so important. Without them, they couldn’t blow the roof.
Arguably the police would never have been alerted to the situation and the drastic measures would never have been required.
The FBI ultimately getting involved was always a part of Gruber’s plan. Couldn’t bypass the last lock on the safe without them cutting the power.
Ooh. Forgot about that. Seems I’m due a rewatch of everyone’s favourite Christmas movie.
Me too, because after I posted that, I also remembered his monologue about how if you steal $100M in bearer bonds they will find you unless they think you are dead.
So yeah, I don’t remember if it was discussed but I think McClane just sped up the timetable for getting the authorities involved. They definitely tried to keep it quiet at first though.
But also, Mr Takagi was murdered before John had done anything, IIRC.
it’s crazy this movie is so well constructed considering each scene was written the day before filming
I’m pretty sure the plan was to take the hostages to the roof, blow up the roof and escape in an ambulance.
Lots of people would have died if Mclane hadn’t intervened.