Excluding, say, here or the fediverse more broadly.
There have been some nice corners of the internet that have somehow kept going along their way that I’ve enjoyed lurking around like some alien observer. They are the few spaces I dare not pop in and ask, out of fear it would somehow break things.
GeoCaching for offline (semi-online). When I learnt about it, it blew my mind. There’s literally trillions of hidden ‘stashes’ all around the world that people have hidden. In bushes, up poles, behind signs, etc. Every city. Fields, forests, everywhere!
In the stashes you’d find anything from a piece of paper to mini figures or a bullet! You write your name on the paper and date it. Then you hide it and go hunting for more using the Geocaching app.
When you say hide it, do you mean back where you found it or elsewhere? Are there some that encourage you to add/move parts of the caches around from one to another?
Basically a bunch of fellow geeks nerds and makers. A few joking comments can spiral into awesome discussions or insane projects.
The biggest bit is just having somewhere you can geek out and have people’s eyes light up, rather than glaze over.
On top of this, you gain access to a bunch of awesome tools, as well as people who know how to use them, and often want to teach and share. It varies a lot from space to space, but most have a laser cutter and 3D printers at least.
I’ll put my vote to Deep Rock Galactic for online. It’s a game (that you MUST check out) with one of the most wholesome communities ever. Most people are super nice in the chat and I’ve made a friend or two (for me that’s a lot - I’m extremely picky cause I feel very nice with the amount of friends I have already)
Is it mainly voice chat? I tend to prefer text chat as I don’t like fussing with audio settings nor hearing roughly handled mics (albeit I know you can often mute those players).
I mostly play with text chat. Although There’s a “for Rock and Stone!” Emote which seems to be how most people communicate
rock and stone brother!
it’s mainly text chat but it’s a ton of fun with friends (where i imagine you’d like voice chat)
Both of mine are offline and involve something in an everyday space that others wouldn’t understand the significance of or possibly notice at all
First, the Hash House Harriers, the self-proclaimed “drinking club with a running problem”. It’s fun seeing chalk marks on pavement and knowing that a hash had recently passed by, even if it’s been some time since I’ve been.
Second, geocaching. Tons and tons of containers hidden around you that you might never see if not actively looking for it. It’s always a blast running into another person suspiciously looking about under a bench or whatever.
midnight.pub - Chill place for people to write extremely niche and detailed blog posts.
IRC - Lots of technically competent people who are fun to talk to.
rawtext.club - I haven’t joined this because I don’t think I would really contribute much but it is a good idea.
Or just Gemini/gopher in general are cool places to be.
When someone I know who I went to different schools together with invites me to their school (as someone who never liked my own).
who I went to different schools together with
This is one of the most confusing clauses I’ve ever read.
What does this mean?
Visiting a school that you yourself are not a student at by accompanying someone who is a student at that school. I think the “together” was not necessary in the strict sense.
I exactly remember that feeling and I haven’t been a student for 15 years now lol It’s indeed a parallel universe experience.
Ohhh, gotcha. Yeah, the “together” completely threw me off, haha
I phrased it in the form of an inside metajoke. Often a common dad joke is to name a celebrity and say “I knew Abe Lincoln, we went to different schools together”. It’s a fancy way of saying “I know them but that’s it”.
I’ve never heard that in my life.
And your dad didn’t know Abe Lincoln, so I don’t get why it’s a fancy way of saying you only just know someone, lol
NeoCities always feels like a portal to an older internet