Just as the title asks I’ve noticed a very sharp increase in people just straight up not comprehending what they’re reading.

They’ll read it and despite all the information being there, if it’s even slightly out of line from the most straightforward sentence structure, they act like it’s complete gibberish or indecipherable.

Has anyone else noticed this? Because honestly it’s making me lose my fucking mind.

  • wallybeavis@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I’ve seen posts where I had to assume OP/the commenter wasn’t a native English speaker, because of the sentence structure and odd choice of words. A multilingual platform such as lemmy, can sometimes leave you scratching your head. Since I don’t speak a 2nd or 3rd language I’m always in awe of polyglots. I always try to offer an olive branch by assuming the fault was mine, and I wasn’t clear enough in my wording.


    There are people (myself included) who will skim long form texts, rather than actually reading all of the words (thanks to every prof who’s ever assigned busy work or HW on a school holiday). I can only speak for myself when I say, once I’ve skimmed something, if I get to the end and it doesn’t add up, I go back and re-read it in its entirety. I have to imagine in a world of 6 billion people, there willl be some who don’t choose to re-read the text, and choose outrage…also some people just think it’s funny to be contrarian, there’s not much you can do about that, other than smile and move along.

    Tomorrow you will wake up, the world will be full of promise, and maybe a satisfying breakfast, and you won’t even remember [email protected]…they, on the other hand will wake up, and still be them…