Are there good Microsoft word alternatives that support Linux (I don’t mind closed source)? Libreoffice is meh and only office is quite good, but are there any better ones? Also, is there a way to install word on Linux using wine? When I do that my laptop just overheats and loses internet connection.
What is it with Microsoft Word that makes you prefer it to others?
- LibreOffice and OnlyOffice are pretty much the only free software office suites that really hold a candle to Microsoft Office’s functionality. LibreOffice defaults to the Toolbar interface but changing it to Tabbed will make it look like Microsoft Office. It takes some getting used to and isn’t as smooth but once you start using it for a few weeks you will get used to it.
- WPS Office is a Microsoft Office clone that works fine on Linux. It’s a pretty common Microsoft Office substitute and is nearly identical in most aspects of its interface. It’s made by Kingsoft, a Chinese company. The software is closed-source and there is a free version that contains advertisements.
- Microsoft Office Online is available through your browser free of charge at It contains Word, PowerPoint, and Excel but only has basic functionalities. Collaborative editing is still supported on it which you might care about.
- Microsoft Office can be installed using WINE but in my experience, it is usually not stable enough for daily use. I would not bother with it. You should not install things manually using WINE. It’s highly recommended that you use some wrapper software like Bottles, PlayOnLinux, or Lutris (common for games).
Where doed WPS office source it’s ads? I mean, if you run it in a (more or less) sandbox (well, you might want to have access to the files you’re editing), and without access to internet, how does the ad interface behave?
I actually don’t remember seeing adverts on the Linux version when I tried it out a few years ago. Maybe that’s changed, or maybe they just don’t run adverts on the Linux version.
Disabling WPS’s Internet access will remove the advertisements. Strangely enough, the WPS blog gives instructions on how to do this in Windows.
For me, I use the office suite at work, and one of the simplest things that makes me wish i could use it at home is that damn search bar in the top.
After that, I appreciate that libreoffice introduced the ribbon UI. I grew up with word 2003, so i know what it was like, but after they introduced the ribbon ui, it immediately felt more easy to use. Especially the style picker.
Your question is likely too general for a good answer.
What do you need specifically? What makes the solutions you’ve tried ‘meh’? What would make an office suite ‘better’?
There used to be a wine-based project specifically for Microsoft office. It was called crossover office. Not sure if it’s still maintained.
Good luck!
If libre/open office isn’t your thing, there’s always cloud based ones like office365 and google docs.
I also found this. Never heard of some of these things, so I can’t really recommend them.
You can also use ms word in wine if you’re writing. However; if you’re opening docs from the internet, I wouldn’t recommend opening them up in anything running in wine. Remember, wine is a windows emulator based on windows 2000.
Wine is not a Windows emulator. The name literally means “Wine Is Not an Emulator”.
It’s also not based on Windows 2000. In fact, it started out translating syscalls from Windows 3.1.
The syscalls themselves are pretty stable between Windows versions, which is why you can run a Windows XP application on Windows 11 without recompiling it, as long as it’s for the same architecture.
What’s your goal? Markdown / latex may work better for your use case than word.
Dear God, anyone who doesn’t already use LaTeX should not be told to use LaTeX. It’s really a great departure from traditional word processors and I firmly believe that people really need to discover it on their own, or else they will just be confused and think it’s an arcane, dated, and useless piece of software.
come on :D I provided ressources to markdown, not latex. markdown is easier than word.
Now do VIM.
Really trying to understand what “meh” means in terms of office software.
They all are kinda meh. I dont get overly excited with office stuff do you?
Over the years I have used both Libre and ms office. Some use cases were so much better with Libre. Now days it’s kind of a wash really. You write words or you calculate cells. If you are calculating any large amount of cells do your self a favor and get it into a database.
And if it’s a presentation, reveal.js is miles better than PowerPoint.
OnlyOffice is the only one that I’ve used that has a good looking UI, works out of the box and very good compatibility (across Microsoft and other document standards). Install is just one flatpak away. Highly recommend.
Softmaker Office uses .docx natively, so you don’t have compatibility issues with Word at all.
Its UI is also very close to MS Office. It’s a drop-in replacement for current MS Office.
You can just use the browser version of word.
I did a look into this. softmaker is best when it comes to compatibility of displaying files. Wps office is ok, but some text would be on top of others. I did find that there is a free version of softmaker, which should be ok.