It’s a bitter sweet feeling afterward, but I love it when a game has characters where, after the game is over, I miss seeing a part of their lives. Be it due to the characters themselves or the interaction they have with one another, exiting their world feels more like a loss than when normally putting a story away.

Are there any games where you experienced similar? While it can be a bitter sweet feeling, I know that it is a sign that I really enjoyed what I was playing and love to find these experiences.

    1 year ago

    Runas the Shamed from World of Warcraft: Legion. In summary, he’s a victim of magical addiction that tries to con you into helping him, then you realize he’s not in his right mind, he’s addiction fueled. He is really trying to be a good person, but he’s screwed by circumstance. By the end, you really feel sorry for him because he isn’t majority responsible for his situation. It does not end well.