Most Americans have very little choice but to provide their personal information to credit bureaus. Hackers have found a way into that data supply chain, and are advertising access in group chats used by violent criminals who rob, assault, and shoot targets.
This isn’t a new thing, these services have been around for a long time. True people search blew it out of the water and it’s free. I highly suggest submitting a data removal request to them if you live in the US.
How do you submit it?
Follow the instructions on this page, got it done in a couple minutes
Holy shit! That site has everything. I have only seen the scam white pages and people search sites before, where it pretends to be scanning everything and then asks for your email, and then refuses to give you the report unless you pay them, and spams the shit out of you from that point forward.
Most Americans have very little choice but to provide their personal information to credit bureaus.
We don’t even provide it, they just take it. You can’t do anything to stop them. Getting inaccurate information removed is a full-time job.
Wow well that fucked up. Yet our government isn’t doing shit about it. And shouldn’t Truth Social be raided and shut down?
If a person is pirating they shut them down but this gets to continue.
I live in Sweden and you can find the adress of like 99% of the people living in Sweden by just doing a simple google search on their name. For example famous actor Stellan Skarsgård. I found his home adress in about 5 seconds.
I think same thing applied also for Norway or Denmark. I remember discovering this one day and it seemed pretty wild.