Good friends of mine would like a reprieve so they can have their anniversary dinner. I’ve been a camp counsellor and was pretty good at it but those kids were all 6 years old, this one is 13 months old. Adorable kid but I figure maybe some folks here might have good ideas/thoughts/suggestions/crass jokes?
Be prepared to be bored out of your damn mind, periodically delighted, and always realizing that yes they somehow found scissors while you looked away long enough to see what time it is. Note: 6 hours haven’t passed, it just feels like it.
You can go to the park and come home 6 times. Each time will be an adventure.
They love water. You need to supervise but pouring liquid between vessels is fun. Same with sand. You’ll probably need to change their clothes 3-4 times anyway so it doesn’t matter if what they are doing messes up their outfit. DO NOT leave a kid like this unattended if they are not confined in a very, very safe place. Ask parents what they do when they need to use the washroom and do that.
Make sure you have a good line up of parent approved snacks and drinks.
You might be able to buy some time with a video but better is to get some raffi songs going and show them how to clap, have a dance party (well away from stuff they can hit their head on etc - you can do this seated).
Figure out the potty training situation but kids this old get upset when away from parents and can regress so could mean they have accidents. If this happens don’t get angry. Just change them and back to playing.
Good luck.
If you have trusted friend or relative they can watch them while you use the washroom or google how to get you keys out of the toilet (do not give them your keys or phone - memorize that).
These are great ideas and I’m stoked to try them! Never heard of the pouring liquid idea but it makes total sense. As does NOT sharing keys or phone.
Also might sub classic ska for Raffi as part of my ongoing mission to give her the weird lest flashbacks when she meets stoners in college. (Last time when she was even younger we spent a half hour rocking to sleep to Burning Spear.)
I always listened to different genres with my son (still do)!
Very relevant username
I can’t stress how important this is: babysitting does not, in fact, involve sitting on baby.
Well, that is a very misleading term then!
Hello. Proud parent of a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old here.
At 13 months, that kid is probably getting the hang of walking. They very well might not stop exploring for the entire time, other than a 1-2 hour nap or bedtime depending on what time you’re babysitting.
Ask the parents about nap/bedtime schedule, feeding schedule (they are likely still on a mix of bottle/milk plus food, though, maybe not), and if screen time is allowed. I’d imagine they’ll give you all that info without you having to ask, but you never know.
The key is to be aware. At 13 months, they might try to get into every drawer, cabinet, dog bowl, garbage bin, etc. they can find. They will also head straight toward any stairs you might have. Don’t let that kid out of your sight. Other than constantly trying to seek out danger, it shouldn’t be all bad.
You got it just right, she’s close to walking but mostly navigates by holding onto things and walking.
Some great thoughts here, thanks! (Though I suppose I will ask about screentime. My plan was to trick her into enjoying hockey but I suppose permission would be polite.)
I forgot about the headlong charges at stairs.
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That is all reassuring, thanks!
Good point. Do not mess with the sleep schedule!
Do not sit them on a couch, no matter how confident in their equilibrium you are. Did this once and kid rolled forward smacking head on coffee table. Kid probably fine today, but I will never be the same.
Oh boy, good warning! I was thinking we might watch some hockey together so that’ll have to be done quite carefully if at all.
Put on Bluey.
This is true whether kids are around or not to be fair…
Play with those soft duplo stacking blocks. Play with stuffed animals. Build a fort. Sing songs. Piggyback rides. Read colorful thick page toddler books. Puppet shows. Snack time. Dance to music.
Great ideas!
Not sure if you’re male or female, but just in case you’re male: when you change the little one’s diaper, make sure you only wipe front to back! My husband has never changed a diaper before (though he had lot of experience with kids) and now that we’re expecting a girl I was surprised to learn from other moms he wouldn’t know this without someone saying it explicitly. If she has a diaper with poop, start swiping to clean under her belly button and only ever go towards her bottom, always cleaning downwards! You can give her an infection if you raise her legs and swipe towards her front! Better to go through many wipes to get all of her completely clean from front to back.
Good advice, definitely important! I babysat her when she was even younger so have learned about the front to back but always good to have a reminder!
It depends on how mobile and energetic the kid is. Mine were early walkers and had tons of energy, so I mostly remember physical games. The ideas below might be too much for some 13-month-olds.
Try making a very simple obstacle course game. Put pillows or couch cushions on the floor and crawl from one to the other. Maybe make it a race and count how many seconds it takes for the kid to get across all the cushions.
Stack pillows and cushions and let the kid knock them over. Or stack blocks and let the kid knock them over. If they enjoy it, repeat ad nauseam.
As someone else said, playing with water can be a big hit. Splashing in a warm, shallow bath could kill half an hour. Get a cup so you can scoop water and dump it to create a waterfall.
Get plastic cups and talk into them to make silly sounds.
Walk to a park or playground nearby.
These are great ideas! I’ve heard she likes smashing structures so I think you’re definitely on the right track.
Much appreciated!
Chloroform… just kidding good luck!