Racist grampa tree has a point, though. Monocultural conifer tree forests are oftentimes a bad idea. We have a lot of problems with our (artificially created) monocultural conifer forests here in German lately. Basically they are just dying of large scale, due do pests. It really is heartbreaking to see hectars of dead trees. Multiculturalism is just the better way and leads to stronger societies, ehm, forests.
Racist grampa tree has a point, though. Monocultural conifer tree forests are oftentimes a bad idea. We have a lot of problems with our (artificially created) monocultural conifer forests here in German lately. Basically they are just dying of large scale, due do pests. It really is heartbreaking to see hectars of dead trees. Multiculturalism is just the better way and leads to stronger societies, ehm, forests.
Already too many cultures there for grandpa’s taste
Grandpa needs to lay off the Tree Fox News.
not necessarily stronger, but definitely more resilient