Makes sense I guess but it still feels unfair. Like people can make jokes about men who are suicidal and overdosing but you can’t make jokes about women’s stereotypes?
To me it should be one or the other
1- You can make whatever jokes about any protected class or minority
2- You can’t ever make jokes at the expense of a protected class regardless of how privileged they are
I mean I would definitely consider it in poor taste if a woman started making tone deaf jokes about male suicide rates. You get a lot more leeway when making fun of a group you are a part of. You combine that with the general assumption that everyone on the internet is male until proven otherwise, and yeah in this kind of forum it’s much more acceptable to make jokes at the expense of men than women.
There’s also a bit of a disparity in the examples you gave. The idea that men die earlier because they take medical advice from Joe Rogan is obviously not made in sincerity. The overwhelming majority of men have never listened to Joe Rogan and besides a few high profile examples I don’t think he actually gives that much medical advice. Though it would be harmful if people genuinely believed this was true, it doesn’t seem likely that anyone would.
On the other hand, Women being worse workers due to emotions or their periods or whatever is something a lot of people genuinely believe. In some circles those statements wouldn’t be considered jokes but rather serious opinions. Repeating those things, even if you don’t personally believe then, reinforces the ideas and is clearly harmful to women.
A similarly offensive “joke” at men’s expense would be something like “men die earlier because they’re too stupid to see a doctor”. This would be a bad joke, because it’s taking something which is basically true, men don’t see doctors as frequently, and tying it to a real and harmful stereotype, men are dumber than women.
You’re right, the OP wasn’t serious. But same as with misogynistic jokes, a lot of people could believe the Joe Rogan thing. I mean he does like carnivore diets, he puts vaccine skeptic people on his show, he took Ivermectin, and there is likely some other dumb shit he spews that would be harmful. I could easily see someone believing that he was a part of if not a big cause of male deaths in during the pandemic if you’ve not read the article.
The examples I gave were intentionally bad to show the difference in reaction in this community. But TBH, I see now that the reaction is not as one sided as I saw in the first place. Still fucked up though.
Does this mean that I can also make jokes about the massive gaps in other situations against women?
There are way more male than female politicians: Maybe if you stop bickering about emotional bullshit you’d be liked and voted for.
There are way more men than women in the tech sector: I mean hey women know how to make a good dish and men know how to code a good porn site.
There are more men holding executive positions in public companies: Listen, that’s on you if your work goes to shit for a week every month.
I could go on but you get the idea. Is that OK?
It’s punching down. You can make jokes like that and nobody is going to punish you for it but they will think you’re a jackass.
That’s a convenient excuse to be an asshole to half the population while running interference for the other.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander
Makes sense I guess but it still feels unfair. Like people can make jokes about men who are suicidal and overdosing but you can’t make jokes about women’s stereotypes?
To me it should be one or the other
1- You can make whatever jokes about any protected class or minority
2- You can’t ever make jokes at the expense of a protected class regardless of how privileged they are
I mean I would definitely consider it in poor taste if a woman started making tone deaf jokes about male suicide rates. You get a lot more leeway when making fun of a group you are a part of. You combine that with the general assumption that everyone on the internet is male until proven otherwise, and yeah in this kind of forum it’s much more acceptable to make jokes at the expense of men than women.
There’s also a bit of a disparity in the examples you gave. The idea that men die earlier because they take medical advice from Joe Rogan is obviously not made in sincerity. The overwhelming majority of men have never listened to Joe Rogan and besides a few high profile examples I don’t think he actually gives that much medical advice. Though it would be harmful if people genuinely believed this was true, it doesn’t seem likely that anyone would.
On the other hand, Women being worse workers due to emotions or their periods or whatever is something a lot of people genuinely believe. In some circles those statements wouldn’t be considered jokes but rather serious opinions. Repeating those things, even if you don’t personally believe then, reinforces the ideas and is clearly harmful to women.
A similarly offensive “joke” at men’s expense would be something like “men die earlier because they’re too stupid to see a doctor”. This would be a bad joke, because it’s taking something which is basically true, men don’t see doctors as frequently, and tying it to a real and harmful stereotype, men are dumber than women.
You’re right, the OP wasn’t serious. But same as with misogynistic jokes, a lot of people could believe the Joe Rogan thing. I mean he does like carnivore diets, he puts vaccine skeptic people on his show, he took Ivermectin, and there is likely some other dumb shit he spews that would be harmful. I could easily see someone believing that he was a part of if not a big cause of male deaths in during the pandemic if you’ve not read the article.
The examples I gave were intentionally bad to show the difference in reaction in this community. But TBH, I see now that the reaction is not as one sided as I saw in the first place. Still fucked up though.
No one is stopping you from doing either one. OHHHH you just don’t want the consequences. It’s Not about personal responsibility or choice. I see now.
I’m saying this about myself bro what the fuck are you talking about? I’m saying other people should follow one or the other.
No lie you sound like ChatGPT 0.1 trained on tumblr lmao.
If that’s what you think a joke is maybe give up on trying for a comedy career.
No, it’s not okay. My parents didn’t have me to be your f*cking ‘Chef.’ Learn to cook a decent meal for yourself a**hole.
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