Just wondering friends in Canada and EU - when do your teens start the class day? I don’t doubt this is yet another thing US education gets wrong but just wondering how better funded education systems are doing things.
The UK here. I think classes started for me just before 9 but the school would generally open a little after 8 so parents could drop their kids off.
It’s worth mentioning we have a semi functioning public transport system so for all schools in urban areas, teenagers are expected to use that to get to school.
Out in the country school buses are still a thing though.
UK - typically 9 - 3:30 for primary and 9-9:30 until 3 - 4 for secondary. I live on a street with 1 primary, 2 secondaries and a college, so they’ve gotten together and agreed to stagger things to cause less disruption during start and end times.
But we also have a public transport system and safe roads that means most kids walk/cycle/bus in.
Just wondering friends in Canada and EU - when do your teens start the class day? I don’t doubt this is yet another thing US education gets wrong but just wondering how better funded education systems are doing things.
The UK here. I think classes started for me just before 9 but the school would generally open a little after 8 so parents could drop their kids off.
It’s worth mentioning we have a semi functioning public transport system so for all schools in urban areas, teenagers are expected to use that to get to school.
Out in the country school buses are still a thing though.
UK - typically 9 - 3:30 for primary and 9-9:30 until 3 - 4 for secondary. I live on a street with 1 primary, 2 secondaries and a college, so they’ve gotten together and agreed to stagger things to cause less disruption during start and end times.
But we also have a public transport system and safe roads that means most kids walk/cycle/bus in.
Germany it’s 8 am
Between 8:15 and 10am