Donald Trump got caught red-handed during his $250 million New York bank fraud trial on Monday when lawyers for the New York attorney general’s office revealed Trump had long ago signed financial documents with the clear intent that they would be used to curry favor with banks.

After being shown a loan agreement he had signed with Deutsche Bank in 2012, Trump agreed that his faulty financial statements were intended to induce banks to lend money.

While it might not sound like much, the admission is key to the New York attorney general’s case, which hopes to prove that Trump deceived banks and insurers by massively overvaluing his net worth. Trump essentially admitted on the stand that these financial documents were produced with the express intent to induce lending. The Trump Organization was likely able to secure loans at far lower interest rates due to all the overinflated valuations.

    1 year ago

    I’m really hoping that it all turns out that way and he does die in prison, a broken, pathetic man, but suppose those cases get delayed just enough, through blatant fuckery by Trump & his lawyers to put it past the election, and then suppose Trump still wins? I wish it wasn’t so, but that he’s still somehow neck & neck with Biden in the polls is astounding, in a sane world it wouldn’t even be this close. What kind of chaos does the US Government get thrown into when a President-Elect is getting charged with multiple felonies and facing jail time? Or suppose Trump does go to jail and still runs for President (this has happened before) and actually wins? How does the system cope with that without just letting Trump out of prison? Or suppose something happens to Biden and the Democrats really don’t have any viable replacement?

    I went into the 2016 election thinking, “There’s no chance in hell he gets elected,” and yet, he still won. We can’t really trust our fellow Americans to make the right choice anymore. That millions of people are still ready to vote for Trump despite all the available evidence really doesn’t bode well for the country, even if Biden still wins in 2024.