Fired or resigned, extremely incomplete list:
- Nick Calandra - Editor-in-Chief
- Yahtzee Croshaw - Zero Punctuation, Adventure is Nigh, Extra Punctuation
- Jack Packard - Adventure is Nigh
- Amy Campbell - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
- KC Nwosu - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
- Jesse Galena - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
- Sebastian Ruiz - Cold Take, Stuff of Legend
- JM8 - Editor, Design Delve
- Darren Moody - Columnist
- Marty Sliva - 3 Minute Review
IP of Zero Punctuation belongs to Escapist, so that is dead as of now.
What the hell does murica-firing means? Is it getting shot by your employer?
Zero notice, zero rights, immediate lockout, zero dignity. The kind of firing that breaks at least 8 laws in most European countries.
Ironically, no more Zero Punctuation!
Thanks for the explanation, sounds really scummy.
Ironically, no more Zero Punctuation!
Yeah this title is out there.