• tankplanker@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Marvel made this bed when they did End Game 2. Not that End Game 2 is a bad movie in isolation, just that some of the choices of that film really fucked up long term story telling. When you start doing multi verse or timey wimey bullshit to get out of killing characters you remove any consequences or value from killing off characters. Once you remove the permanence from doing so, and its particularly clear that after the shake out it was done to write out two of the more expensive actors who both feuded over money, you remove it from all other character deaths, as you can no longer trust that they will not just bring somebody back at a later point. Never kill off a character you do not want permanently dead, it just removes any danger that character faces.

    This is a big part of the problem with Kang, we know he will not die despite any deaths on the road to the end of the big Avengers pay off, kind of makes his whole build up a bit pointless, unless they going to have him start permanently killing people on his way, which I am really unsure that will happen. Then the other big problem with Kang is his casting as Majors is just proven to be trouble on and off set, at least he hasn’t gone full Ezra yet.

    Marvels biggest problem is Captain Marvel just lacks any character, shes too focused on being the invincible Superman but without anywhere near enough Clarke Kent to ground that character for audiences. Its left Brie Larson hardly any space to engage the audience. Sure, we all want the huge super strong pay off scene such as when Thor came for Thanos in Wakanda as that was awesome, but it only meant something because we had already engaged with Thor in his more vulnerable moments, and he had real suffering on his way to his climatic appearance. Making characters too strong just ends up making them unlikable.

    Couple this with lazy and often just plain bad writing, terrible CGI, and an over reliance on MacGuffins to dig out of self made holes created to impose any sort of peril, and its no wonder Marvel is struggling…