What the fuck are the studios gonna do, make movies and shows without actors?
Highlights: The negotiating committee of the actors’ union, SAG-AFTRA, told its members on Saturday that it had received a “Last, Best and Final Offer” from the major entertainment studios as a strike that has brought much of Hollywood to a standstill continued for a 114th day.
“We are reviewing it and considering our response within the context of the critical issues addressed in our proposals,” the negotiating committee said. They did not say when they would respond to the offer, which came after an hourlong video conference call that included top studio executives.
Included in the offer was a wage increase that could be the highest in four decades, according to a person familiar with the offer who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the negotiations. The studios also offered the actors a new way to determine residuals for streaming programs based on performance metrics, and protections on artificial intelligence, including consent and compensation requirements. The studios also offered an increase to the pension and health funds.
What are actors going to do? Just star in avant-garde productions because they can’t work with any popular IPs?
That would mean more effort for less money.
Why do you think this is about working with popular IPs? This is about day players working two jobs to survive and not even making enough money to qualify for SAG-AFTRA health insurance because pay is so shit, coupled with the fact that the studios want to steal their likeness and use it in perpetuity using CG.
How is this even a question? I was very clear. But to be clearer for those of you in the back, what are the actors going to act in if they can’t act in the movies which the studios own the rights to?
Okay, bud. I don’t think you know what the word ‘survive’ means. It’s not like these people are ‘surviving’ off of peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches. Try to learn the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ before you make this about ‘survival.’
Steal their what? You mean copy?
Yes, they literally are. Famous movie stars are paid millions. Day players are paid shit. Maybe work in the industry before you talk about things you know nothing about.
What? So you’re telling me they’re actually eating bologna and cheese sandwiches on a regular basis because they can’t afford anything else?
They must not also be subscribing to any streaming services, right? Probably doing a lot of shopping at Walmart? They must not travel much, either.
Or are they trying to live as luxurious a life as possible (like everyone else) while doing as little work as possible? (like everyone else)
Like I said, learn the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ before you try to make this about survival.
Minimum requirement for SAG-AFTRA health insurance is $26,000 a year. Thousands do not make enough to qualify and do not have health insurance.
If you think making less than $26,000 a year and not having health insurance is living a luxurious life, you must be posting from your tent under a bridge right now.
You forget. They’re not just making less than $26K, they’re also living in LA.
Some of them in their cars.