Do I allow them to continue doing so? I obviously have concerns
My cat lays near my wood stove… Your cats should be fine :)
Somehow, I think everythings gonna be O-Ken :)
It should be fine my cats do it all the time they like warming up by the heater like people do. They have sensory hairs to know the temp.
That being said one time my cat layed directly on a heating pad on high heat for a little too long and burnt some of the hair off their skin. It grew back but yeah that’s the one time a cats ever had an issue from heat in my life.
Back when we had a space heater instead of aircon, one of our cats used to wedge herself under it and go to sleep. I think your cats are fine.
As the old saying goes, if you are cold go find the cat. She’s already found the warmest spot in the house. My childhood cats used to fight over a hammock we had hanging over one of the radiators, it never ceased to amaze me how long they’d spend in that thing and the heat never bothered them. If you are concerned kitty is going to burn herself, invest in a fire guard which is a mesh barrier usually used to stop toddlers getting to the fire but is also effective for curious cats.
They almost remind me of those “greedy” slime things and also the potato thing where you put a potato in a dark labyrinth with only one correct path and it inevitably finds it and its tuber extend until its outside the box again.
Sort of like that Joan Rivers joke about having sex with her partner while they’re in seperate rooms doing their own side activities.
Edit: also, vertical mazes with water being poured in
My cats both like to be near the space heater when its on. So far we haven’t had any trouble with it, but we always stay in the same room and keep an eye on them.
This is a continuation on my “series” on space heaters lol
My grandma’s cat used to do this. When I was a kid we went grocery shopping and came back and that cat had been fully cooked. It looked like the rotisserie we had just bought. 😢 Sorry none of that was true.
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It was just a joke. Please don’t tase me. (Also a joke)
If you are looking for seriousness, contact your local vet. If you ask important questions on an open forum understand you might be getting replies from children, crack heads, and everything in between. It’s a gamble. Follow your heart and soul.
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The fuck? The fucks your issue dude?
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I asked a serious question too dumbass what the fuck is your issue?
What the fuck does should I buy more money mean?
Your game plan doesn’t even make sense.
You got counterfeit connects?
If you do, trust me… You’ll die before you find peace in life. That’s how the game works.
I dont even wanna downvote this. Its so insane I feel like it needs to be seen