This year we made good progress. You know, Linux gaming becoming better, Reddit fucking up, Metaverse failing etc. But on the other hand Big Tech has or are planning to make some moves. Such as, Google’s Web Enviroment Integrity API (EDIT: they backed off), UK’s encryption bill, etc.

So what do you think of the future? I’m currently optimistic. I think the best recent event was Reddit fucking up. Obviously one of the biggest information sources going down that path isn’t something to celebrate. But it was bound to happen. I believe decentralized social networks becoming more popular is what Aaron Swartz would have wanted if he saw how Reddit was being managed.

    1 year ago

    The core is the surveillance advertising, to create incommings with profiling and tracking user data, practiced by practically all large US companies. This is the underlying evil that must be eradicated, not only by putting the user’s privacy in question, degrading him to simple raw material and merchandise, but also security by filtering sensitive data, such as medical and banking. This requires a deep review to eliminate it as a means of income for companies. With this, an important step towards a free internet is already achieved.

    It is essential to educate users to ALWAYS read the TOS and PP of a software or service before using it, avoiding those who obviously share user data with third parties and looking for alternative products, which there surely are. It is the company’s ethics regarding the user that is most important today. If there are more and more users who set these criteria, these companies will have to change or they will run out of users.

    eg Google has excellent products that, from a technical aspect, are impeccable and many of them without a real alternative, it is their ethics regarding the user, which makes them unacceptable, this is the point and trying to tell people that, yes, the product is Good, but the price is your sovereignty, look for another one, perhaps not as complete, but it serves you the same and does not turn you into a simple product.

    It is the user who determines the market, but only if they learn not to fall into the trap of big companies with products that shine so beautifully. It is the user who must determine what he needs, not the company.