I was looking for music to play for cats when I came across this guy. Literally only raps about cats. Every single/album cover is him posing with different cats.
I just wanted someone other than me to know this exists. There really is all kinds of music out there 😅
Dude is amazing
Maybe we can discover if toxoplasmosis can up your rap game. If so, cats in shelters will be swooped up, fast.
I wonder if Ted Nugent ever got cat scratch fever. Would certainly explain a few things 😂
I never even thought about that explaining his behavior lol… 🤔
…i thought for a second it was the cat that was rapping Like some kinda Hatebeak thing…
For the curious: https://open.spotify.com/track/3lxKJYh9YpZTLhO2ipkBFF?si=5lxcZ_jiShmzOEBDMPm09w
Yes, as the OP put it, there really is all kinds of music out there lol
Wow! I had completely forgotten about Hatebeak.
Kinda hard to forget tho, no? Lol
Respect for being one of like 12 humans to know about Hatebeak
Love for Moshow and his family 💚😻
Someone include the Kifness link
We need to make this guy big
I got cat love for you baby 🤣