But other U.S. officials say the Defense Department has dispatched several dozen commandos in recent weeks, in addition to a small team that was in Israel on Oct. 7 conducting previously scheduled training.
People forget that the US commandos are in Israel all the time. That’s where they receive their urban warfare training.
The fuck did people think our carrier groups were there for? Hopefully all western nations with hostages are in tunnels saving peeps.
Oh, good. Now America will have a reason to join when these people get killed.
Democracy and freedom for all!
Except for those we don’t like.
To make it easier to mess them up we’ll put nasty labels on them: “insurgents”, “radicals”, “communists” and the ever-popular “terrorists”.
So I guess then when we’re calling Hamas “terrorists”, that’s just us putting a “nasty label” on them? So how do you call them? “Freedom fighters”?
Pretty sure we’re supposed to call them civilians. At least once they’re dead.
I will be willing to call Hamas a terrorist organization as soon as you recognize Israel as a terrorist organization.
I will be willing to call Hamas a terrorist organization as soon as
“as soon as” implying that right now you think they’re merely a “resistance” or “heroes” I guess?
Yeah. They are. A violent one, but by definition they are. But let’s ignore the international courts declaring Israel’s settlements as illegal, the thousands of Palestinians dead before this conflict started. This happened because those people are savages, ruthless disgusting terrorist bastards who can’t stand their houses demolished, their kids shot, burned alive, chemically attacked. They should have shut up, stayed quiet and stuck with the peaceful protests, that we shot at anyways. Why couldn’t they just held hands and sung we shall overcome as the bombs rained down on them.
And the West Bank, well we’ll just forget it exists since we can’t pin it on Hamas.
Yeah. They are.
Thank you for your honesty I guess, most antisemites dodge that one
You have no conscious
Nice edit calling me an anti-semite: I’m Jewish.
Ahhh, the famous “if you criticize Israel you’re an antisemite” argument, proof since Israel’s inception that the person you’re talking to is garbage.
Hold on. You can’t have it both ways. When Hamas goes out and slaughters children we don’t get to call them “freedom fighters”. IDF is not free of culpability either but come on.
Yeah I’ll make it easy for the Commandos: those are the ones getting bombed. You’re welcome.