I’m not editing the title, but my intention was to say how scary it is that Ted Cruz looks like Al Lewis, not to disparage Al Lewis in any way.
Ted Cruz is a piece of shit.
Ones a vampiric blight on society, and the other is a beloved drag racing grandad from a 60’s sitcom.
Grandpa Munster looks happy and has open, welcoming eyes. Meanwhile the actual social vampire looks like Munster after a week-long coke bender.
Nothing about him looks happy or welcoming. He looks like the guy who assures me he’s the carpool for Sunday school so it’s totally cool he’ll pick up my kids but lol no. I’ll take half a day off instead.
Crazy to think Al Lewis looks just like the Zodiac killer
What’s weird is that my first thought was “Huh, they do kinda look similar”, and my second was “Huh, every individual part of their faces looks pretty different” (Edit for typo)
Kip’s big boy was my first thought when I saw him.
Al Lewis was awesome. How dare you compare him with that waste of DNA!
Every Friday I used to have about fifty, sixty kids who would wait for me on Sunset Boulevard and I’d take them all to dinner. All runaways.
– Al Lewis