My sister is 23 and still dresses up and goes out knocking doors for candy… and I find it weird but I let her do her. It got me thinking, at what age do you think someone should stop Trick r Treating at? Just curious.

      1 year ago

      Yeah! I think if you dress up and make an effort you can trick or treat and I don’t mind giving you candy. My partner and I usually go dress up and just wander around in costume and in character to “scare” people and contribute to the atmosphere. We’re obviously in the “too old to trick or treat” category so we don’t actually go and ask for candy and usually give some out while walking around… But people here give out candy waiting outside near the sidewalks, so it’s actually pretty common for us to get a “great costume, want some candy?” Which I totally don’t need and usually decline because I’m in character being spooky (which usually involves not talking), but I appreciate it in the sense that it’s clearly just a night for everybody to have fun and they don’t just see it as a dull social obligation to give out candy just to children.