This one was really an incredible port and although I also had the PC version, I still played a lot of this PSX port on split screen with my little brother at the time.
Indeed it is a great port. The engine is incredibly optimized and very well made.
Lots of hand optimization for occlusion calculations (reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot)
I posted a comment on the video - I made a patch for this game to allow for looking with the right stick and the cheat menu during single player (with some added debug options).
Patches and other quality of life hacks for retro console games are an underrated often forgotten great part of emulation. Especially when it’s something like a patch that brings a game to modern control standards.
Thumbs up my friend
Agreed. Romhacking has a lot of them and I usually check before starting a new game. The ones for earlyer Zelda games (GBC and SNES) are awesome.
Absolutely. If you have the first two Zelda games you’re doing yourself a disservice not getting the QoL hacks. I can’t think of the hacks name of the top of my head, but for Zelda 1 it has an automap and shows very subtle bomb able walls and burnable trees. Zelda 2s sister hack actually makes the game playable finally.
[edit: the hacks are Zelda Redux]