Just watched the Boy Boy video on George Bush’s Masterclass, and they made me think about which U.S. President was actually worse.

  • Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    The interesting thing about how this question plays out in my mind is that it seems obvious Trump is worse, but I feel more annoyed and offended about Bush than Trump, and I think, given I’m not even American, part of why that is, is that a similar feeling lingers with respect to the Australian Prime Minister during Bush’s term. A man for whom I feel special kind of hatred, John Howard.

    I really fucking hate John Howard despite some of the conservatives that came after him being arguably dumber and more embarrassing and making even crazier decisions. I don’t think we ever had our Trump moment despite some spectacularly shit tier leaders since, but nevertheless they were their own special kind of ridiculous. It’s a toss up who our closest equivalent is but I’d say probably Tony Abbott followed closely by one of his successors, Scott Morrison.

    Where I’m going with this, and how it relates to Bush v. Trump, is that in their case and in the Australian context, it feels like they’re responsible if so much of the bad stuff that’s gone on since. It’s Prime Minister John Howard’s fault that we later got Tony Abbot and after him Scott Morrison, and it’s John Howard’s fault that we got mixed up in Iraq for no godamn reason, and John Howard’s fault that perverse cruelty came to be regarded as political courage and strength and also the only viable path towards electoral success.

    The thing with Howard, as with Bush, is that they feel to me like they represent the people we got, right at the crossroads point in time when it was still possible to pull back from where we’ve ended up, and they both failed utterly, seemingly instead to hit the accelerator. At a certain stage when you hear about Donald Trump doing something stupid or asinine or brazenly corrupt, I almost can’t summon the will to be mad at him personally. It’s now just par for the course and it would feel like getting angry with a chimpanzee for throwing faeces at the wall instead of making sound policy decisions. Yes it’s galling that the decisions are so poor and irrational, but at the same time, it’s a chimpanzee that somehow got to hold political office so honestly, what did we expect?

    I’m not sure exactly when the shift occurred but it feels like somewhere post-Bush and post Howard, we stopped having politicians who, while we won’t always agree with, we can assume are acting in what they at least think are everyone’s best interests (even if we believe them to be wrong). Instead we moved to no longer even having real candidates with actual goals, just personified contempt and rampant self interest. It’s like frail, fallable and flawed human beings, for all their faults, got replaced instead with joke cartoon characters, so it’s tough to keep holding them to the same standard because they’re not even real candidates just cruel jokes.

    This feeling kind of makes me so much angrier with Bush and Howard that they were the last people that could have done something and instead they just let this happen because at least they got to win. The lasting effects both in terms of policy impact and just the overall cultural landscape that they have wrought upon the world are the seeds of every psychopathic lunatic that has since followed them. Tony Abbott, and Donald Trump were basically grown from seeds sown in the nursery of fucked up self interest that those assholes cultivated.