I’m looking to upgrade my Ender 3 Max Neo.
It has Marlin firmware which I am unable to flash over to other versions of Marlin for some reason, it just crashes.
My board is a 4.2.2. Obviously as indicated by the note above.
I don’t mind changing the board out but I’m having a hard time finding any information on the 3 Max Neo and would rather not buy parts just to end up finding out that it’s not going to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I swapped to direct drive myself. Went with the Creality Sprite Pro since I already had mounted a CR touch to my print head.I thought it made the most sense for interoperability.
I actually went ahead and got a Sprite Neo and put it on the other day, installed Klipper after digging around for a printer.cfg for the Max Neo and finally finding one.
Now I’m just going through making sure everything is configured, levelled, and working properly as I have time.