Hypothetically, if a colleague has repeatedly demonstrated the utter lack of reading comprehension skills (like pulling the same door labelled “push” for the hundredth time), what job could one suggest for them where this “disability” wouldn’t be detrimental?
Pulling a door labeled push is the result of bad door design.
But it mostly sounds like you can’t think of your own ammo and wanna be a dick to your coworker.
Yea, this question definitely left me feeling like I’d much rather get a beer with their coworker (and hold the door for them) than the question asker.
This is not about a single coworker and a door, but intended as a generic light-hearted roast for everybody who keep ignoring simple signs such as which waste bin is for paper, how to leave a room, etc. Petty? Sure as hell. Being a dick? Wouldn’t say so.