Can someone explain to me why some communities do their communication using something like Matrix? I’m a member of some open source/ tech channels on Matrix that I am somewhat interested in or need suppport from. Every time I check my app I have line 1k unread messages. Like, does anyone have the time to read all that? Besides trying to find if a question I have has already been answered is pretty cumbersome.
That doesn’t mean I don’t think Matrix is great, but it just doesn’t seem like the best fit for that application
Although many clients use the Matrix protocol, the foundation suggests new users pick up the ElementX app, which incorporates all the latest features and reflects what Matrix 2.0 can achieve.
The Element X is a stripped-down messenger app built based on the standard Element but completely rewritten for performance.
Intetesting, I’ll give it a try.
Element X is faster but extremely barebones, definitely stick to regular Element for now
I tried the app but it doesn’t even have a way to register an account. Nor any directions in doing so. I went to, nothing there either. I had to Google it. Which led me to So I tried to register and it failed. I’ll give it another year to develop and see how things are going.
I tried the app but it doesn’t even have a way to register an account.
That sounds like you tried Element X app, which is beta (it says so everywhere). One should still be using the Element app for now.