How about yall make 1313 or remake kotor like you said you would.
How about letting Larian remake KotOR?
I meant that Disney should stop saying they are going to (re)make something to just cancle it after making progress on it and releasing trailers for it.
Oh no doubt. I’m just saying that letting Larian have access to Star Wars would easily net billions.
Give us Republic Commandoes!
That’s cool but I don’t think the gameplay and level design will hold up very well to today’s standards. This was basically a Doom 1 type game, but with jumping and maybe full 3D? Or was it 2.5D like Doom where you couldn’t have floors over floors?
I remember I didn’t have a mouse and it was fucking hard
I used to be pretty decent with the arrow keys, but once full 3D games like Quake 2 started being standard I had to switch to mouse. I remember I switched to mouse and arrow keys for a long time, then finally went WASD.
You actually could have floors over floors, but the game just wouldn’t render them both at the same time.
As for it holding up, Boomer Shooters are in vogue right now. There is a market for these games existing in an accessible way where the player doesn’t have to do a bunch of tweaks to get it running.
Just use the Force Engine, free software reimplementation of the engine and point it to the original.
This has a cool post number from