Quickly wondering what people recommend as OS for a rpi model 4b, outside of the RaspPiOS ofc. I want to use the RPI for all networking related stuff (dont worry its not using an sd-card). So PiHole, and I’ll also want to use it as my exit-node out of my Tailnet. I will also run ProtonVPN on it so that all my devices indirectly use a vpn, as long as they’re connected over Tailscale. That’s at least what I had in mind so far, please do criticise the idea if there are better alternatives or solutions that you would recommend. I have been looking at running either Alpine or MicroOS. Or should I just go for a server based OS?

Appreciate any suggestions!

  • hottari@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Go with MicroOS. SUSE’s products are criminally underrated for how well designed they are. Plus at some point you are bound to face a brick wall when trying to use software that is not musl compatible on alpine.