Nestle, Volvo among 130 companies urging COP28 agreement to ditch fossil fuels::Companies including Nestle , Unilever , Mahindra Group and Volvo Cars are urging political leaders to agree a timeline at the upcoming U.N. climate summit to phase out fossil fuels.
Cool with ditching fossil fuels, but screw Nestle.
Their involvement made me immediately question whether this was actually something I should support.
Not a problem till it’s MY problem
- conservatives and assholes everywhere
an absolute classic
Excuse me my kind gentle person, I believe one says, Fuck Nestle.
Guess evil corporations like Nestle and Unilever can do something not evil now and then.
Nestlé is doing something right?
Nestle is being damaged by environmental changes and now trying to get someone else to do something about it.
Don’t worry, still profit at all cost assholes
They realised that chocolate melts at high temperatures, so if they allow climate change to continue, they can’t sell any more kitkats.
Well you know what they say about broken clocks
You can’t trust them?