I know it isn’t currently federated, but it seems like a good yt alternative atm.
Wasn’t it a basically unmoderated platform and therefore full of Nazis, science deniers and other social scum that got banned on youtube?
I made a channel on Odysee, I like it, it’s UI is good, it works, I think it is the best yt alternative at the moment, it just needs more people migrating there.
I prefer PeerTube
I also like it, but it seems that not a lot of creators from yt, or even peertube creators make really good content. Of course, I could be wrong, and if I am, I’d appreciate if you’d give me some good peertube creators
I find odysee having the same issue, but I agree with you.
It’s one of the best Youtube alternatives going.
I tried lbry when they started in one of the Crypto peak moment, Haven’t use them in years and not sure to still have my private key and token. Pretty surprised that it’s still existing considering that their technology wasn’t that amazing and requested a dedicated app