It’s a little relevant to the context, but doesn’t really move the discussion forward- I admit.
I found some sources for you, here’s one:
“The chances of fleeing now were slim. Germany had conquered most of western Europe and its ally Italy was invading France in the south. One of the few escape routes left was the long, eastward one, through the Soviet Union by train. Transportation was costly and official hurdles endless. Travelers needed passports or substitute papers stamped with several kinds of permissions: one for exiting the Soviet Union and others for countries of transit and of final destination. What country would accept Jewish refugees?”
By your own source, those seeking passage required stamps - approval - by the destination country willing to accept them during a time of war. In the context of the OP and my following statement, the assumption is the person would depart to another country without the benefit of the equivalent of “stamps”, approval, or wartime ethno-religious refugee status. Just somebody overstaying a tourist passport stay. So no, not really relevant. That said, I don’t disagree with getting a passport, it might be easier to ask forgiveness in another country should TSHTF in the US, but let’s not kid ourselves on it being a valid method of escape in the current situation.
I’m trying to show how it could be useful for you.
If you consider the risk vs reward of having a passport, it seems like a clear calculation to me. It sounds like we agree then. It’s an extra tool you can have, not the ultimate escape plan. As I say, I believe I am mentioning it for your benefit.
That is not relevant to the context, but good for you.
It’s a little relevant to the context, but doesn’t really move the discussion forward- I admit.
I found some sources for you, here’s one:
“The chances of fleeing now were slim. Germany had conquered most of western Europe and its ally Italy was invading France in the south. One of the few escape routes left was the long, eastward one, through the Soviet Union by train. Transportation was costly and official hurdles endless. Travelers needed passports or substitute papers stamped with several kinds of permissions: one for exiting the Soviet Union and others for countries of transit and of final destination. What country would accept Jewish refugees?”
I want you to be well prepared, friend 😊
By your own source, those seeking passage required stamps - approval - by the destination country willing to accept them during a time of war. In the context of the OP and my following statement, the assumption is the person would depart to another country without the benefit of the equivalent of “stamps”, approval, or wartime ethno-religious refugee status. Just somebody overstaying a tourist passport stay. So no, not really relevant. That said, I don’t disagree with getting a passport, it might be easier to ask forgiveness in another country should TSHTF in the US, but let’s not kid ourselves on it being a valid method of escape in the current situation.
I’m trying to show how it could be useful for you.
If you consider the risk vs reward of having a passport, it seems like a clear calculation to me. It sounds like we agree then. It’s an extra tool you can have, not the ultimate escape plan. As I say, I believe I am mentioning it for your benefit.