Good thing everyone jumped to conclusions
NPR seems to agree with this aswell. Pretty much the exact same thing I was saying yesterday and got banned from for my efforts despite never even claiming it’s conclusive yet, just where the available evidence seems to be pointing towards. No “leveled” hospital building and probably no 500 victims either.
Doesn’t in no way excuse the other atrocities Israel has commited, but this doesn’t seem to be one of those. went full mask off after this event. They’re as bad as lemmygrad and hexbear.
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Fuck leftists terrorist apologizers
The “hospital” is just a collection of small buildings clustered around a 2,000 m2 carpark. None of which were destroyed.
I think in this particular case, both sides won’t admit their own mistake, so instead of promoting the next theory let’s wait for external and independent investigation.
This guy appears to have reasonable and objective arguments against an involvement of Israel:
The fog of war is real and initial BREAKING NEWS reports should be treated with healthy skepticism until we get a clearer picture of the evidence.
There was pretty good video evidence almost immediately though. And additional video/picture evidence has come out to support it.
It’s actually an interesting case because there wasn’t actually much fog of war here. The confusion here is the information warfare.
Yeah but then how do they control their innate antisemitism feelings
If it weren’t anti semitism they would apologize. Instead they are now saying that it doesn’t matter because they have done it before and completely forgot about the victims they claimed to be outraged about.
Just like this should also probably be treated with skepticism… The people investigating are going to be from groups which want the narrative to be true. Israel controls the people who come in and out. The people investigating. Theyanipulate the news and the facts.
Whoever has more money and power controls the narrative in this world. It’s the way it’s been for decades if not centuries. The victors write history and they print the news articles before it becomes history.
No one’s going to comment on “professional war crimes investigator” being a thing? His mental health professionals are going to need mental health professionals. You have to wonder how Nihilist his worldview is after 20 years.
It’s what Brad Pitt was in World War Z.
Hamas fuckers probably hit their own hospital just for sympathy points
The rockets are unguided and made from sewer pipe and plant fertilizer. These things probably have a spread of a kilometer and this one was likely malfuncioning. I don’t see a reason to assume they intentionally targeted the hospital. These are long range weapons anyways.
They fire off these things from civilian areas all the time. I don’t see how it’s so surprising to people that a shitty rocket fired out of a super dense city could fail and hit a building like a hospital.
Misfires happen all the time, but when you’re shooting from within city limits the chance of one leading to tragedy is much higher.
We don’t know the exact truth yet, but this seems to be a video from that night, from a geolocated position :
We see a rocket being launched, seemingly missfire and blowing up high in the sky, then two explosions, the second one being near the hospital.
The damages sure don’t look like they are from a detonated military bomb, but rather the result of a weaker explosive.
Both sides are trying to do an ethnic cleansing. False flag operations don’t make a lot of sense when your people are ‘the chosen ones’.
I personally thought it was Israel because it sounded very much like a US JDAM but surprise surprise, the damage and death toll was extremely exaggerated by outlets which makes me think it actually was a faulty Hamas rocket on the basis it only cooked a few cars and scorched some stuff. The damage is too small to be Israel which is depressing in its own way.
Are you a both-sideser?
Oh, not at all. I support Palestine completely. While Hamas and Israel do similarly deplorable acts, I just hesitate to fully condemn Hamas as it’s clear they’re doing what they are out of desperation. Israel has the power to end the conflict tonight, give food and aid to innocent Palestinians, and return the land they’ve annexed.
But they won’t.
If you want objective takes on politics, Beau of the Fifth Column is hands down the best one to watch on YouTube, he didn’t break this story UNTIL there was concrete evidence because he always wants to get the story right:
I think most reasonable people can admit that given the evidence, this probably wasn’t committed by IDF personnel. It just has all of the calling cards associated with IDF policy against Palestine.
Put your fucking guns away around hospitals. Both of you, or I’m turning this car around.
Dud munitions don’t really care and can fall out of the sky at anytime. Which is one of maaaany reasons that makes war bad.
I can’t help thinking “How would this news story look different if Israel and the US were manipulating the media to cover up accidentally blowing up a hospital?” Would it look any different?
Edit: Saw the AP analysis posted after I made this comment. It’s very convincing evidence in favor of the theory that the explosion originated from a failed Hamas rocket.
Would reality look different if there was an invisible, omnipotent deity pulling all the strings in such a way that his influence is impossible to detect?
Don’t burden your mind in unfalsifiable theories.
Government propaganda isn’t unfalsifiable. That being said, the new AP analysis has convinced me Hamas caused the explosion.