If you make it to your car and declare safe they can’t fire you. It’s the rules. Pro-tip
Is Byeee what you say to your paycheck when the boss fires you when you don’t come back?
Works in prisons too!
If you wfh, you can just message your boss and say you accidentally locked yourself out of the house when you went to take your dog for a piss or some shit
This is incredibly crass and speaks more to your work ethic than management’s behavior. But I’ve done it. To put it in perspective: the job sucked so bad that HR had a process in place for no call/no show quits like this because it happened so often. But you shouldn’t do this in the middle of surgery, OP. That could be one of my children on the operating table. One of YOURS, you don’t know! But, no, one of your chakras opened or something and you realized you need YOU time right now. /this is not what OP is claiming //but idc bc I only read half the meme. byeeeeee