I know I said last week I would post these on Monday, but did you know that in most of the world it is already Monday? It’s true! Time math can be weird. (Plus, I have early meetings for work tomorrow and won’t get a chance to make the post, so here it is instead)
Do you have any thoughts on the Fall season so far? Any shows surprised you? Disappointed you? Made you cry ugly tears?
This is also a place to post about any anime, not just currently airing shows, so feel free to post about that random old show that you aren’t sure whether you dreamed it up or if it actually aired on Toonami when you were a kid.
The only rule* in the discussion thread is to tag your spoilers!
*(Other than site and community rules)
Dead Mount Death Play is about a necromancer from a medieval fantasy world reincarnating in modern Japan, basically the reverse of your usual isekais, and it’s really good so far. Also, part 2 just dropped.
This one is on my to-watch list purely because it comes from Takahiro Oomori and I love both Baccano! and Durarara. Good to hear that it is being well-received. I think I am planning on waiting for its run to finish and then binge it.
I haven’t watched too many older shows this past week as I have been busy with work and trying to sample a lot of the new season’s shows. I am still in awe of the VA work for Kotaro in Zombie Land Saga. That character is so off the rails and the voice work really lends to the air of insanity that surrounds him. Plus, it is the same CV as one of my other favorite characters, Okabe Rintaro from Steins; Gate.
As for this season’s offerings, Frieren and Eminence are both really hitting for me. They are probably my favorite manga and LN series respectively, so I knew I was either going to like them or hate them, but I am so happy that the adaptations are of amazing quality. I also loved the premiere episode of 100GF, another great manga, so I am hoping that the quality stays high as I am planning on putting on episode 2 after I finish writing this post.
My wife and I started watching the new Kenshin (only two episodes in so far). We are both big fans of the original series, but the new one just isn’t really doing it for us. It feels like it doesn’t have the silly humor of the old series, but it doesn’t compensate by doing something like upping the action sequences. It just kind of falls in this boring middle. People that have been watching it, does it get any better?
As a meta comment, I would like to thank those that have already and encourage those that haven’t yet to participate in the survey about episode discussion posts. It is valuable feedback to help design the tools to help the community grow in a healthy and desirable way for us.
@[email protected] @[email protected] Any chance of pinning this and unpinning last week’s thread?
Been a very busy week so haven’t had a lot of time to watch.
I did manage to get HiDive working after the update, so caught up on Eminence in Shadow and enjoying the new season a lot.
Only a bit of progress on clearing my HBO Max catalog before sub ends. Only Yesterday was a really interesting look into what Japanese life looked like in 70s and 80s, with an enjoyable cast and story. I really liked the art style of the memory sections. Glad I made time for it.
I hadn’t heard of Only Yesterday previously and it definitely looks interesting. Glad to hear you are soldiering on through your HBO Max catalog and that you are enjoying Eminence! They have really done the adaptation well through enhancing the humor through anime-only additions. Looking forward to some of the upcoming arcs which are some fan favorites.
Yuzuki family has been really nicely written so far.
Silly Boss is a fun watch if you liked Doji Danshi or Tanaka is RestlessI had to look up Yuzuki Family as that show was not even on my radar for this season. There are so many shows coming out each season that it is hard to keep up. On the flip side, that usually means that you can always find a couple shows that really click with you each season. It certainly sounds wholesome from the synopsis. Might be one to queue up when it’s been a while since I talked with my brother.
I have finally just finished watching the first season Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (The Irregular at Magic High School), what made me finally watch it was playing the Psi mod in a minecraft modpack, which was pretty interesting haha
I think the anime has some negativity around it, especially with the BroCon sister. But I found it to be pretty good honestly, not great, but good. It tried to say some interesting things about a few diffreent topics and isn’t just a brainless anime about a brainless main character. Though the MC is OP.
I think it’s worth a watch, especially if you like cool magic systems or magic school anime.It’s been ages since I have last played Minecraft (beta probably, yes I am old) so it blows my mind that people are making mods centered around anime. As long as you enjoy the show, that is all that matters. Honestly, what anime doesn’t have 1-2 troublesome elements (brocon, siscon, inappropriate fanservice, etc.)? If you dismiss every show that has one problematic thing, then you aren’t watching very much and would miss out on some great characters and stories.
Don’t worry, I have also been playing since the beta ;)
I actally don’t care about those elements, what me say that it wasn’t a great was that it didn’t something that I found really amazing, main innovative thing being the magic system. And that the second half was weaker than the first. Still, I enjoyed the show.