Having double poled light switches at the top and bottom of a staircase that control a light fixture that illuminates the stairs has been in building code for decades.
Although this is likely an old house built before then, it’s a cheap upgrade to hire an electrician to make this situation a lot safer.
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The box has suspiciously moved an inch from panel 1 to panel 2
Actually if you look closely there are tons of differences. Look at the pipe going up to the ceilling.
This guys problem is not the monster its the fact that toggling that switch zaps him to a strikingly similar but entirely different universe.
Woah that pipe gets swole
Sure, or there’s the alternative interpretation:
that’s not a pipe, and it was just staying still.
(Hold me)
Unrepentantly stole this from episode 3 of the Magnus Archives. Listen to it, then listen to all of it. Everyone needs to listen to the Magnus Archives.
I have been humbled, and shall pay my penance. Link is here: The Magnus Archives, available wherever you get your podcasts.You gotta link it when you give a recommendation.
The basement dwellers aren’t honouring the agreement.
I bet all the monsters from below ask each other: “Ha. What’s this guy’s deal?”
Oh that’s Bill. He’s harmless, just watch out for the spikes…
How does he safely turn the light on?
Also: motion sensing automated lights are stupid cheap. And I sincerely hope poorly made, because the one in our utility room comes on at random - I can see the light sometimes come on under the door when I’m in the basement.
I guess he has double switch installed, some houses have multiple switches for the same set of lights especially along stairs or long corridors.
Ah. So he could just have the light on until he got to the top, then turn it off.
He’s just playing a game, where if he makes a mistake - slips down the stairs, trips on something - he loses.
Even then, the deal was for 10 seconds after switching the light off, there is no mention of any grace period to switch it back on. As soon as he opens the door and reaches for the switch in the dark, he’s done for.
I understand that light from behind the door spills into the room enough for it not to be darkness, so for as long as the door is open he’s safe
Moth fly in front of censor = light turn on?
My cat brutally hunts and murders any moths in the house. He goes absolutely apeshit when he sees one. Consequently, we are about as moth-free a house as could be; and I’m not sure what they’d live on in the utility room. There are no windows and it’s underground.
Anyway, it could be, I suppose. More likely ghosts, though.
If that’s how my basement light was set up I definitely wouldn’t close the door to the entrance.
Oddly, it’s not monsters I fear but cockroaches. I guess they’re like tiny little monsters to me.