There is surprisingly little you must do to simply exist.
Surprised at how much my parents hated on me for slacking when now as an adult all I wish I could do was slack more.
So you’re saying they were jealous.
Praise Bob
So, you didn’t do anything. No big deal.
This reminds me of how mad my dad would get at my atrocious failing grades in high school. He would say to me, “Do you want to dig ditches?” In reference to my future job prospects.
Now I’m a tech worker and somewhat of an intellectual and frankly yes, I love to dig. My brother drives a back hoe and is very happy
It’s fine to live like that if you’d want to but…
You only have one life, one shot, wouldn’t you want to have at least SOMETHING accomplished? You don’t need to be a CEO or something rapidly stupid like that, but maybe go and help out the elderly? Maybe even just be around them, talk with them? Maybe volunteer somewhere? Even if it’s a soup kitchen to help feed those in need, that would be a life well lived.
Point is: you live only once, do you really want your couche to be everything that you did?