This is similar to what happens with Asian giant hornets (those murder hornets that made it to the US a couple years ago)-- when a scout finds a honeybee hive it brings back a troop that goes in and just murders everything in sight, and with European bees there’s nothing they can do. Meanwhile the Asian bees know to lure the scout into the hive and then surround it with a bunch of bees, creating a bee ball. Then they vibrate and heat themselves up, and since the bees can withstand temps a few degrees higher than the hornet, they manage to overheat it to death.
This is similar to what happens with Asian giant hornets (those murder hornets that made it to the US a couple years ago)-- when a scout finds a honeybee hive it brings back a troop that goes in and just murders everything in sight, and with European bees there’s nothing they can do. Meanwhile the Asian bees know to lure the scout into the hive and then surround it with a bunch of bees, creating a bee ball. Then they vibrate and heat themselves up, and since the bees can withstand temps a few degrees higher than the hornet, they manage to overheat it to death.
Me picturing this animated.
Raid boss tactics
It’s like the time I had a sorcerer NPC cast fireball on themself to get a total party kill.