No one will trust Starlink after what Elon pulled in the Ukraine.
This is what Apple should be working on instead of basically just sitting on cash.
More players, cheaper for consumers.
Apple gave up in innovation when Steve Jobs died.
Text will be golden, like …LIKE Apple has in their new iPhones.
Voice though… hmm I gotta wonder if it’ll sound like old overseas calls or bad zoom calls with the lag?
But hell yeah this is big. IF it works…
It is going to be very compressed video and audio and browsing will be akin to dial-up. Game changer none the less
How do you know this?
In a tweet following the launch event, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk revealed that Starlink V2 satellites will reach 2 to 4 Mb/s per cell zone. That’s enough for texting and perhaps voice calls, but not much else. Remember, this bandwidth will have to be shared by all users in the cell zone.
Ah nice. Well a single 1080p steam on Netflix consumes about 4Mbps. VoIP calls about 1.7Mbps.
It’ll do but yeah it’s not great. It’s definitely enough for surfing the net.
I wonder how big these “cell zones” are.
Produce could make a difference here too. I frequently travel so having one plan that works everywhere would be awesome. Hopefully the price is right. Starlink internet itself is pricey.
Weather conditions will probably heavily impact what speeds you will get, and you can’t use this indoors or in vehicle. But if you break your leg while hiking you can get help, that is the point of this, not to stream netflix
Ahhhh the worst of both worlds.