Actually, let’s be inclusive here. What are some of the best gifts in general you’ve received?
My mom gave me 4 large bags of homemade beef jerky! Each bag contained a batch of beef jerky with her homemade spice blends! It was soooo good!!!
that’s awesome! great idea. I love beef jerky. 🤤
As 10yo a huge box of Fischertechnik material. It kept me and my fantasy busy for years.
A fitness watch. Having a more accurate estimate of calories burned makes it easier to maintain a consistent calorie deficit every day. Down 20 pounds since Xmas!
If we’re talking straight Christmas gifts, from the ones I remember, my Dreamcast I got a couple Christmases ago.
In general, I’d say my switch has been a really good gift as well since it has allowed me to actually play an official pokemon game (violet) on actual hardware instead of emulator. And I only picked up violet because I didn’t have anything else I really wanted all that badly at the game store.
A Wacom Graphire tablet! This was in the early 2000’s, and my friends pooled their money to get it for me because they knew I liked to draw. I made graphics for all of my clubs and orgs and then ended up working as an illustrator through college and beyond. I used the original tablet until it broke and then moved on to the Intuos. I actually don’t draw anymore but that was definitely one of the most thoughtful and well-used gifts I’ve gotten.
A fully working GBA SP and Pokémon Red. I ended up not liking Red as much as other entries but I still use the system to this day.