The same board of directors who put him there are in charge. The same corporate culture that let him push these decisions is still in place. The same critical mass of people in leadership who would care enough to block such crap still don’t work there.
I mean shit, that’s pretty much late stage capitalism in action right there
Oooh, golden parachute time.
steps down with a golden parachute, all the richer.
We need real consequences for greed that is ruining everyone’s lives.
We need to construct an economy that does not reward such behavior in the first place. If you incentivize bad behavior and punish the good, the fact that people go with the flow isnt really the problem. The problem is that we reward bad behavior and punish the good then chastize people for not sacrificing their own interests to swim against the current.
I’m just gonna leave this here…
They found their scapegoat. But anyone with a brain knows he didn’t just do this all on a whim. The whole board knew, and at least a majority agreed to this shit idea of theirs.
Every fucking capitalist/c-suite moron is so fucking desperate to join in on the financial subjugation of the lower class (US has no middle class anymore).
Eat the fucking rich, throw them out onto the streets and take the country back French style
The US still has a middle class, it’s just been perpetually shrinking for the last ~30-some-odd years.
Anywho, I fully support eliminating the billionaire class (financially, not guillotine style… hate-fueled violence like that tends to spread wildly out of control quite quickly, just like it did in the French Revolution). No one deserves a billion dollars. No one. And yes, I know the majority of billionaires don’t literally have billions just sitting in their checking account(s), but they still have access to that kind of money. Regardless, no one ethically attains billionaire status. It’s all ill-gotten wealth at the direct and indirect expense of others. It’s time to bring back pre-Reagan tax rates on the ultra rich. And while we’re at it, go ahead and destroy the Military Industrial Complex (US patch notes) so taxes aren’t just being diverted to other ultra rich fuckers in the defense contract business.
Gosh I feel so sorry for him. Any company that puts this guy in charge, with his reputation, deserves to go down in flames.
They found their Ellen Pao.
Don’t buy this, the idea came from the board, Riccitiello has been selling his unity stock to the tune of 50k stocks over the last year, he knew the ship was sinking and was just coasting until the inevitable golden parachute.
The rot has set in deep, the issue isn’t him and firing him won’t fix anything.
Too fucking late.
My local gamedev scene is already extremely cautious of any future development using Unity. This whole play really showed Unity can and will fuck with their users.
At least one head rolled from that fiasco. The rest of the board needs to be yeeted out the window also while we’re at it
Psh, that dude is old. He was probably barely working as is as the CEO. Retirement is practically a reward, as I’m sure his retirement package is quite lucrative. This is just a shallow PR move so Unity can try to assuage their big consumers that the big meanie is gone and to please not take their business elsewhere.