What’s wrong with the series x controller? I bought one for my pc when my xbox one controller died. I haven’t really used it loads yet to be fair, but it seems fine to me. I preferred the +style dpad on xbox one but other than that it feels basically the same to me.
Interesting. I still use the 360 controller on my PC because that thing is a tank. Basically indestructible. But my One controllers are garbage. The plastic was so badly formed I got aftermarket grips because it was constantly pinching my hands. It also feels like I could twist it in to pieces with by hand. The Series X controller fails to live up to the 360 but it feels significantly more solid and the pieces at least fit together.
I do feel I could break my xbox controller easily if I twisted it. It’s got some heft but not much. The 360 controller did feel a bit more solid.
The series x controller is also nice. Disturbingly light but I appreciate that it’s good for long sessions to have a light controller. It’s just the damn button sound. It makes a nasally little twing-click sound each time the button is pressed. Drives me nuts.
Game console controllers. Miss me with that flimsy shit.
Except the Xbox Series X controller. That thing’s a nightmare. I use my old One controller for that.
What’s wrong with the series x controller? I bought one for my pc when my xbox one controller died. I haven’t really used it loads yet to be fair, but it seems fine to me. I preferred the +style dpad on xbox one but other than that it feels basically the same to me.
It’s extremely loud. Once someone tells you about the loud click that every button press makes, you can’t unhear it.
Haha well then fuck you in advance I guess
Interesting. I still use the 360 controller on my PC because that thing is a tank. Basically indestructible. But my One controllers are garbage. The plastic was so badly formed I got aftermarket grips because it was constantly pinching my hands. It also feels like I could twist it in to pieces with by hand. The Series X controller fails to live up to the 360 but it feels significantly more solid and the pieces at least fit together.
I do feel I could break my xbox controller easily if I twisted it. It’s got some heft but not much. The 360 controller did feel a bit more solid.
The series x controller is also nice. Disturbingly light but I appreciate that it’s good for long sessions to have a light controller. It’s just the damn button sound. It makes a nasally little twing-click sound each time the button is pressed. Drives me nuts.