You’re lucky – an overhead cubby and 3 drawers. Plenty of places to hide booze.

    2 months ago

    I have an interview coming up for a job that pays twice as much and looks to be about as much work as I do now. I hope I get it. I think that my departure from this place will cause a hell of a fire. Maybe if I’d have got that promotion I’d been hinting at for some time, I wouldn’t have updated my resume. But here we are. I am no longer gruntled.

    Good luck!

    And yep, I know exactly what you mean. A while ago I asked for 50k and remote, and boss jerked me around for months on it - moving goalposts, etc. When lo and behold, as soon as I put in my resignation they immediately offered me what I wanted, but of course by then I already had a much better offer in hand.

    Whereas, as you know, if we’d been properly valued in the first place, we probably wouldn’t have been looking for a different jobs in the first place.

    I feel like that’s one of the reasons for back to the office bullshit - being in an office makes it harder to interview for jobs.